Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Guido Vermeulen of Belgium writes:

Dear Rick,

Interesting idea. It questions the "property of public space as art space" in fact. And joins movements like Critical Mass or Reclaim the streets.

Some mail artists have experiences on that domain. Examples are: Shopping Trolley Gallery (Martha Aitchinson in England and Patti Bristow in the USA). Art is attached to a shopping trolley used in supermarkets. People reacting on the art pieces in the
supermarkets are allowed even to pick one from the trolley. So the exhibition changes all the time. The trolley even went on "holiday". Martha did similar shows when in France.

Or non curated performances in Tate Modern in London. Yearly mail artists meet there and do something unanounced. Each time we confronted security of Tate Modern who after 2 years asked us to ask permission to the museum curators. They gave us, so there was no problem at all. I must say that the performance last year was a

We decontaminated Clemente Padin from Uruguay who visited the UK for a performance festival. So we all wore white clothes, masks and used a hoover for the decontamination. It was of course also a comment on the post 911 paranoia. I have some great photos of that art intervention.

Years ago we did a "wild exhibition" (so non authorised) under a huge bridge of a highway. We attached the art works to the columns of the bridge and invited people for a party. Exhibitions OFF are also an example. You organize something during an
official art festival but which is not part of that festival. I got the idea from New Yorkers and did it a few times in Belgium. We appropriated a public wall in Brussels and glued posters on that wall that were a chain of communication between 3

The most crazy idea I had was throwing art from the top of the Atomium and inviting the press. The Atomium is an important symbol in Brussels. It is a sculpture in the form of an atom and was made for the World Fair Exhibition in 1958. The top ball of the atom is a fancy restaurant. This idea never was executed because the other
artists were too afraid to do it. Oh well ...

Fond regards,

Guido Vermeulen, Belgium


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